Current Opportunities & News

CFAT encourages the participation of artists from all backgrounds and stages in their careers in our programs to help facilitate the creation and presentation of contemporary media art.

  • How to I receive support/submit work to CFAT?

    Thank you for your interest in CFAT! Please see the below list of frequently asked questions. If you don't see the answer you’re looking for, feel free to reach out at anytime to the Executive Director, Tori Fleming, at


    I would like to receive in-kind gear and facilities for my work as an individual artist.

    CFAT offers a few types of technical grants to help you finish your projects. See information about our Production grants below.

    I would like to get in-kind gear and facilities for my work with a non-for profit organization.

    In-Kind services can be accessed by filling out our in-kind application form. More info and form can be found at the bottom of this page.

    I would like to get in-kind gear and facilities for my work with a for-profit company.

    We do not offer in-kind support to for-profit projects.

    I would like to take part in the Media Art Scholarship program.

    The call for the media art scholarship happens once a year in late spring. The deadline changes yearly so please sign up to our newsletter to be kept up to date on submission guidelines. For more info on the scholarship and your eligibility see below.

    I would like to take part in a residency.

    CFAT holds residencies once a year with no set deadline. Our residencies are often thematic (curator in residence, e-lab artist in residence, etc.). Calls for residencies can be found on our current news page.

    I would like to screen my work.

    CFAT tries to support as many mediums of Media Arts as possible. As a result we only hold a screening about once a year. Stay tuned to our news page for future calls for submissions for screenings.

    I would like to propose a program to CFAT.

    CFAT is always up for hearing about new programs! CFAT’s programming is chosen by the Programming Committee. The Programming Committee is made up of working media artists who meet to review programming, grants and proposals once every six weeks. CFAT’s core programming funding is spoken for every year through our core programs (Media Art Scholarship, Residencies, etc.) If you would like to propose a program above and beyond those programs, proposals can be sent to the Programming Committee through the Executive Director.

    We receive a lot of proposals! We will try to review yours as soon as possible but it often takes a few months. The programs are chosen on artistic merit, feasibility, and how well they fit into CFATs vision and mission. If the programming committee decides to peruse your program proposal, the Programming Director will work with you to secure project funding. This process from proposal to presentation can often take 12 – 24 months. Be prepared for this timeline.

    CFAT pays CARFAC and IMAA fees to all exhibiting artists. Project proposals that do not include artist fees will not be considered. Proposals can be a one-page letter of interest forwarded to the Executive Director (Tori Fleming, at any time.

  • The CFAT Media Art Scholarship program is a rigorous six-month education and mentorship opportunity for emerging artists who propose to make a media art project. Selected applicants are required to make a media art piece in a medium in which they have little to no previous experience. Scholars are responsible for learning the skills required for completing their piece by the deadline set by CFAT. The Media Art Scholarship Program is open to any member of the public who is not currently attending a similar program. You do not need to be an artist to apply, but you do need to have a clear vision/concept for your art project.

  • The Centre for Art Tapes has a long history of supporting our community with access to our equipment and facilities – this support is made in the spirit of community engagement, accessibility and similar organizational values. Requests for in-kind support are reviewed by our Core Staff each month, please plan 4-6 weeks ahead.

    Please keep in mind that our rental rates are already subsidized through donations, government support and fundraising – and that CFAT is proud to offer equipment and facilities that are well below commercial rates, providing special discounted rates to non-profits and community groups all of the time. Please remember that our equipment and staff time is limited, and that we can’t prioritize in-kind support over our existing programs.


    Who is eligible for in-kind support?
    Ad-hoc/community groups, non-profit organizations, and arts and culture groups who share our vision of artistic communities and social/economic equity are welcomed to apply for in-kind support. CFAT has lots of other avenues for individual artists to get free access – if you are an individual artist please apply for one of our programs, including Technical Grants, or ask about volunteering in exchange for CFAT dollars. Commercial and for-profit projects are not eligible.


    What can I ask for?
    In-kind support means that you are asking us to reduce our normal rental fees or waive (remove) them entirely for your project. Every request is different and we are happy to talk through your specific needs, but we simply cannot provide technical support or education in-kind. If you have an idea for a collaboration that is more involved than asking for free gear, please look at our “Submissions” page or talk to our Programming Director about pitching a program.


    How do I apply for in-kind support?
    Please fill out an in-kind form application in one of the formats below and submit to

Past Calls

  • Artist Speed Dating

    Call for Participants - CFAT Artist Meet and Greet - July 5th.

    At this year’s Independent Media Arts Alliance Conference CFAT is connecting artists with programmers, festivals, and curators from across Canada. Join us on Wednesday June 12th, 2024 at 5pm (APPLY BY MAY 30TH) for short one on one meetings between media artists and arts organizations… and pizza of course.

  • Synthesizer Building workshop!

    CFAT will be hosting an electronic synthesizer building workshop in April!

    The aim of this workshop will be to teach participants the basics of analog circuit design through the process of building a small analog synthesizer that each participant will be able to keep at the end!

    You will learn:

    -Fundamentals of operational amplifiers

    -Designing your own circuits

    -Super easy circuit prototyping methods

  • Art sale and fundraiser !!!

    (Feb 10th) we are hosting a valentines themed hang out and art sale fundraiser Come by 2238 Maitland St. 10-4pm to visit out and see whats on offer. We will have some cool artworks made by local artists, snacks/drinks, and discounted memberships.

    We will also be selling coupons for short tutorials and services with some very amazing technicians/artists at very affordable rates! Some services on offer:

    -Sound Mixing

    -Ableton Live

    -Sound tutorials of your choice

    -Colour Correcting

    -Project Management

    -Grant writing services

    -Vintage synth/drum machine/etc repair techniques

    -How to circuit bend (video, sound etc.)

    -Analog electronics

    -Exhibition installation techniques/consultation

    Come hang out and say hi! No pressure to buy anything, we would love to see you anyways

  • New List Item

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